Memorie Digitali Liguri

tutela e valorizzazione di un patrimonio culturale digitale a rischio
Quaderni della Società Ligure di Storia Patria, 7/**, Genova, Società Ligure di Storia Patria, 2019
A. Graziani
« Si è risposto a Lutero e si risponde ogni giorno agli eretici »: Pier Maria Giustiniani l’antijustificateur
Pier Maria Giustiniani fut évêque de Sagone, en Corse au moment où l’île rentra en révolution en 1729. Cette situation le mit en position de porter la contradiction contre les pamphlétaires corses qui occupèrent le devant de la scène, Giulio Matteo Natali, auteur du Disinganno et Don Gregorio Salvini, qui signa en 1758 la Giustificazione. Il opposa aux tenants de la remise en cause de l’ordre génois dans l’île, présenté comme tyrannique, une doctrine empruntée à saint Paul et à l’évêque Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, prônant un respect absolu envers les autorités de la République.
Keywords: Evêque, Révolution, Corse, Brochure, Saint Paul, Bossuet.
Pier Maria Giustiniani was bishop of Sagone, in Corsica at the time when the island went into revolution in 1729. This situation put him in a position to bring the contradiction against the Corsican pamphleteers who occupied the front of the scene, Giulio Matteo Natali, author of Disinganno and Don Gregorio Salvini, who signed the Giustificazione in 1758. He opposed to the tenants of the questioning of the Genoese order on the island, presented as tyrannical, a doctrine borrowed from Saint Paul and from the bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, advocating an absolute respect towards the authorities of the Republic.
Keywords: Bishop, Revolution, Corsica, Pamphlet, Saint Paul, Bossuet.

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